Debby Notes for Caregivers

With the combination of Debby Notes mobile app and the Debby Notes Alexa skill, a caregiver can leave useful notes for an elderly person they are helping with. For example, a caregiver can make a note of where all the common things that are located with the mobile app. To find an item, the elderly person just need to ask “Alexa, please ask Debby Notes where are the scissors?” and Alexa will reply “You should be able to find the scissors in the top drawer of the cupboard in kitchen.”

One can even imagine the elderly asking “Alexa, ask Debby Notes where is my dinner?” and Alexa saying “You should be able to find the dinner in the oven. We are having meatloaf, mash potato and vegetable tonight. Hope you enjoy it.”

Photo credit: Picture is from Pixaby.